Harlequin Crest is a Unique Helm. It can be used by any class.
he HarleQuin Crest Shako, now classified as a Mythic Unique item, is a powerhouse helmet in Diablo 4 that significantly enhances character performance. It offers substantial benefits, including a massive boost to life, armor, and cooldown reduction, making it easier to hit the armor cap and keep skills active.
Additionally, it provides a unique +4 ranks to all skills, enhancing both offensive and defensive capabilities. The item is versatile, usable across most classes except for a few like the Druid, and can be obtained through drops from Uber bosses or crafted using Resplendent Sparks. Despite its odd appearance, the Shako is highly sought after for its powerful stats and the ability to dominate the game, even at lower levels.
Gain 20% Damage Reduction. In addition, gain +4 Ranks to all Skills.
How to get Harlequin Crest
You can farm this unique from Duriel, Maggot King
Andariel, Maiden of Anguish
"This headdress was once worn by an assassin disguised as a court mage. Her treachery was unveiled, but not before she used its magic to curse the king's entire lineage." - The Fall of House Aston